Incident with Real-time Intelligence
Incident Report for Lucent Sky
On 2024-02-10 04:48 UTC, our monitoring flagged that Real-time Intelligence became unavailable to Lucent Sky AVM instances. A misconfiguration caused our CDN to make HTTP requests to the Real-time Intelligence API without TLS, causing the requests to fail. During this time, Lucent Sky AVM scans with Real-time Intelligence enabled would have been run without Real-time Intelligence, and customers would have received warnings that the scans were completed without Real-time Intelligence. We corrected the misconfiguration on our CDN, which resolved the incident at 2024-02-10 04:53 UTC.

As the Real-time Intelligence API is configured to enforce HTTPS and a minimum TLS version of 1.2, no data were transmitted without encryption or with an outdated encryption.
Posted Feb 10, 2024 - 04:30 UTC